Thursday, August 19, 2010

Asterix chowin' Down on Mickey D's

Controversy in France over this new McDonald's billboard featuring our heroes, Asterix and Obelix, chowing down on some burgers and fries.

"A new McDonalds advert featuring Gallic champion Asterix enjoying a burger and fries has sparked outrage among French comic purists who see it as an insult to their national heritage.

The billboard shows the fearless Gaul and friends celebrating their traditional banquet at the fast-food chain — with Cacofonix the bard tied to a tree outside as usual.

“My childhood hero sacrificed like a wild boar! What next? Tintin eating at Subway?” said one horrified blogger called sirchmallow.

“How ironic, the indomitable Gauls making an advert for the invaders,” was another outraged comment on Twitter." (via)

Now, Tintin at Subway is just ridiculous. But these guys at McDonald's? As much as I don't like it, I'm afraid I can totally see it.

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